Saturday, January 23, 2016

Car Keys

Sometimes, I feel like my prayers are not working.

“You have been praying for your husband for twenty-five years and nothing has changed,” the enemy scoffs. “Alex does not care about your Jesus.”

That day my husband came home late with a few bags filled with groceries.

“What happened?” I asked thinking of the words of the enemy.

“An amazing thing happened,” Alex told me. “I got out of the car to do some shopping and left my keys and my cell-phone inside while locking the car.”

“What did you do? Did you call the police?”

“I tried the rest of my keys in an attempt to unlock the car. No success. A man came to my rescue. I tried all of his keys—no result. In my despair, I asked God for help. I tried the tiniest key on my chain that was from a desk or drawer. It opened the car! I sat behind the wheel looking at my car key and comparing it to the tiny key that was magically blessed by God to unlock the car. The car key was long and slim, the tiny key was as big as the tip of my pinky. Go figure!”


Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Second Book Coming Out Soon

My second book is coming out soon. It is named: Kiss the Old Toad and Believe: A Story Inspired by Real-Life Events.

I want to share a small part of it and ask for your opinion. Do you think people will like it? 

  Nia turned around the corner of Bogatitsa and Gradina streets and saw the colorful skirt of a girl walking toward her. The olive color of her skin and the long curly hair cascading freely over her shoulders told Nia it was one of those gypsy girls looking to make some money in that wealthy part of the city. The scrawny gypsy was very young; almost a child, but when she opened her mouth Nia felt a tsunami of horror wash over her.

“You are under a spell, girl. Black magic was cast on you. Your husband will never be yours and you will not be able to conceive.”

Nia stopped dead and stared at the gypsy girl in disbelief.

 “But I can reverse the magic spell,” the gypsy went on.

“Don’t even bother. I don’t have money,” Nia said. Feeling glued to the ground she stared hard at the gypsy and hoped against hope that she could chase the girl away as if she was a bad dream.

“If you want me to, I can come to your house right now.” The gypsy faked concern. “You need help. Let me help you, girl. My name is Ishe and I have the power to break any spell.”

“Okay, let’s go!” Nia heard herself say. “But if my husband is at home, you are not coming in, okay?” What am I doing? Am I crazy? Is this really happening? Nia thought.

“Got’ya. I have everything I need with me,” the gypsy said. “Here is a piece of black wax, and we will break the spell, you’ll see.”

The two women hurried inside the building. Nia looked around. She didn’t want the neighbors to see her with the gypsy as they sneaked into the condo. As soon as they were sure Ivo was not there, the gypsy began to bark out orders.

“I need a bowl with some water and a candle.”

“Okay, okay,” Nia stuttered. “I’ll find a candle. And a bowl of water, you said?” She stepped into the kitchen.

“Do we need matches?” Nia yelled from the kitchen.

“Yeah, get some matches. Find something to melt the wax in, okay?”

“I am getting everything ready. I’ll be right back!”

Nia heard drawers being opened and closed. She knew she should not trust the gypsy who might be stealing her things.

“Here’s all the stuff. What do we do next?” Nia asked walking into the sitting room.

 “We’ll melt the wax first to see if it is a magic spell,” the gypsy said. Her skillful hands lit the candle and melted the wax, and she began murmuring spells. She poured the wax into the water, and right in front of Nia’s eyes the wax became a black serpent.

Nia froze. Her heart skipped a few beats. She opened her mouth to take a breath but instead a suppressed “O-o-o-h” trickled out.

“Yes, it is Black Magic, girl. Do you see the snake? They want your life, woman. You are doomed!” The gypsy went on whispering words of fear.

Nia’s head began to spin. I have always known that there is something bigger against me than human malice and hatred. I have always felt cursed. It’s my grandma’s Curse….  The well-known symptoms of panic tightened her throat and her body began to shake violently.

“I can break the spell, girl, I can break the magic but…I don’t know. It will take a lot of money. Much money has been paid to a witch to cast that magic spell and double the money we will need to break it. How much do you have?”

“I don’t have money,” Nia whispered. “I have only a little left till the end of the month.”

“Then, I will say good-bye and leave. Lots of money has been given. Money asks for money. Give me everything you have, or I’ll be out of here in no time.”

Nia felt tears running down her cheeks. She wiped them with the back of her hand and looked helplessly at the gypsy. Wrenching despair settled deep into her heart. I am doomed! There is nothing I can do….

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Sick Dog Miracle

“The dog is sick,” said my husband when we returned from our four-day vacation. Oso has refused to eat and kept throwing up. My “old man” Oso looked at me with sad eyes and tucked his tail between his legs.

Things got worse the following day. His stomach started growling and loudly rumbling. The sounds were clearly audible.

“Rumbling stomach can also be caused by dangerous digestive diseases,” Fear whispered in my ear. “The dog is going to die. You are a bad mother. Instead of going on vacation, you could have stayed home and taken care of the dog.”

“That was my first Florida vacation. I was away for four days,” I whispered back defensively.

The loud rumbling and Oso’s sad eyes made me drop to the floor, lay hands on my dog and start praying.

“I speak healing over this sick creature, heavenly Father. I command that mountain of sickness to be uprooted and be cast into the sea in the name of Jesus!”

        A few minutes later the stomach growling stopped.

        It’s been six days now and the sickness never returned. My dog is one happy “old man” Oso.



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Miracle of Healing

My trip back to my native country, Bulgaria, two months ago was a miracle. My son was still in college and saving for a ticket was impossible. A credit card company paid for half of the money for my round trip and I kept wondering what God had in mind for my visit there.
It turned out my aunt was in pain and had scheduled a doctor's appointment but none of my cousins was around to take her to the hospital. So I showed up to do the job.
"I want to pray for you, Auntie," I said after telling her the stories of my miraculous healings in the past.
She turned her life over to the care of Jesus and accepted the healing the Lord had provided on the cross.
The hospital tests showed she was in excellent health for her age. The pain disappeared.
Two month later, my father told me that his baby-sister was healed the moment we prayed. He said it was a miracle because for the past 82 years of my aunt's life she suffered from numerous diseases and there was not a single day that she was pain-free.
I praise God for his goodness!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Live One Day at a Time

I think we need to be reminded more often of what the bible tells us about the things we worry about. I am offering the verses from Mathew 6:25-34:
       "So my counsel is: Don’t worry about things—food, drink, and clothes. For you already have life and a body—and they are far more important than what to eat and wear. Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat—they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food—for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Will all your worries add a single moment to your life?
       “And why worry about your clothes? Look at the field lilies! They don’t worry about theirs. Yet King Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as beautifully as they. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for you, O men of little faith?
       “So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to.
       “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.

Photo credit:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

God Will Rescue Me

Trouble seems to be brewing around me. But I recalled the Word of the Lord. His promises revived my sinking soul.
Isaiah 59:19 says that God will come to my rescue:
" When the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him."
Photo credit:

Friday, June 20, 2014

How I Deal With Sleeping Problems.

I was not able to get complete freedom from my sleeping problems untill I read Max Lucado's post:
One Step Enough for Me
by Max Lucado
       Arthur Hays Sulzberger was the publisher of the New York Times during the second World War. Because of the world conflict, he found it almost impossible to sleep. He was never able to get worries from his mind until he adopted as his motto these five words: “One step enough for me” . . .taken from the old hymn, “Lead Kindly Light.”
“Lead, kindly Light. . .
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.”
       God isn’t going to let you see the distant scene either. So you might as well quit looking for it. He promises a lamp to our feet, not a crystal ball into the future. We don’t need to know what will happen tomorrow. We only need to know He leads us. As Hebrews 4:16 promises, “we will find grace to help us when we need it.”
From Traveling Light

Photocredit: Lisa Rosario Photography/Flickr2013.Elusive baby sleep.